Folkert de Jong, Circle of Trust (Mother and Son), 2009
SBMK day 2018
Wednesday 14 November 2018
Centraal Museum Utrecht
Every year the SBMK organises a SBMK day. One year with a theme and a (inter)national key note speaker. The other year without a specific theme with various current topics and case studies. Participants attend the SBMK day primarily for the content of the presentations and workshops, but it is also a network meeting for curators as well as conservators and colleagues from related professions.
Moreover, there is the opportunity to visit the museum in which the day takes place. This year there will be an English spoken SBMK day about plastics in combination with the two-day SBMK Summit on (inter) national collaboration the Symposium Acting in Contemporary Art Conservation. You can compile a three-day program or only opt for the SBMK day or the two-day summit.
One of the subjects is the Dutch project on identifications of plastics outside the laboratory. There will be presentations of different preservations of different types of plastics from all over Europe. Internationally renowned artist Folkert de Jong is a keynote speaker, since plastics are his favorite material to work with.