
SBMK 25 years

About SBMK

About SBMK
The Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (Dutch abbreviation: SBMK) has been occupied with projects related to the maintenance and conservation of contemporary visual art. Its aim is to develop sound practices that can benefit all concerned with the art. This is carried out through collaborations with managers, curators and conservators of collections. Here field-related questions on a range of problems (technical as well as ethical) are raised for discussion. How, for instance, should one deal with perishable materials or with a complex installation? What roles can the artist and the museum play in dealing with such problems? The SBMK initiates projects, helps to make their realization possible and sees to the distribution of information among colleagues in the profession.

Collaborative Relationships
Due to the wide-ranging nature of the problems, a multidisciplinary (international) approach is essential. Since its inception the SBMK has focused on collaboration among curators, conservators, scientists, artists, lawyers, philosophers, art historians and art theorists. The SBMK joins forces not only among museums, but also among research institutes, universities and other centers of education. There is also collaboration with institutions specializing in the fields of video, film, sound and other new media.
mini convent
Centraal Museum Utrecht
Kröller-Müller Museum
Kunstmuseum Den Haag
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Museum De Pont
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Van Abbemuseum

other SBMK partners
Akzo Nobel Art Foundation
Amsterdam Museum
De Nederlandse Bank
EYE Film Museum
Frans Halsmuseum
Het Nieuwe Domein
Het Nieuwe Instituut
M Leuvenn
Middelheimmuseum Antwerpen
Museum MORE
Mu.Zee Oostende
Museum de Fundatie
Nederlands Fotomuseum
Rabobank Kunstcollectie
Rijksdienst Cultureel Erfgoed
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Rijksmuseum Twenthe
RKD Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis
Stedelijk Museum Breda
Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg | SRAL

self-employed professionals & individuals
van Aubel van Rooijen
Floor Meijboom
Tatja Scholte
Miriam Windhausen

Universiteit van Amsterdam