FOTO Roel Siebrand
Project group
This group supervises the project in preparation and execution (alphabetical order):
Lydia Beerkens, conservator Modern and Contemporary Art, SRAL
Agnès Brokerhof, senior researcher, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE
Maarten van Bommel, professor of conservation and restoration UvA & SBMK Board of Trustees
Nicole Delissen, office for museum management, projects & consultancy & SBMK Board of Trustees
Suzan de Groot, Conservation Specialist, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE
Paulien ’t Hoen, Project Manager, SBMK
Henk van Keulen, Conservation Specialist, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE
Tatja Scholte, program leader Modern time, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE, Project Manager digital tool Project Plastics
Project staff
This group carries out the project (alphabetical order):
Carien van Aubel, Chemist and Conservator Modern and Contemporary Art, specialist in training
Lydia Beerkens, Conservator Modern and Contemporary Art, advisor, SRAL
Ariënne Boelens, Ariënne Boelens office, realisation tool
Suzan de Groot, Conservation Specialist, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE
Paulien ’t Hoen, Project Manager, SBMK
Henk van Keulen, Conservation Specialist, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE
Thea van Oosten, Conservation Specialist, advisor
Olivia van Rooijen, Chemist, specialist in training
Tatja Scholte, program leader Modern time, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE, Project Manager digital tool Project Plastics
Project Plastics is a continuation of the much-appreciated work by Thea van Oosten when she was working at the RCE. The knowledge generated in this tool is due to the many plastic experts and projects in the field. Including the work from Frederike Waentig, Yvonne Shashoua, Brenda Kenghan and MoDiP.
Plastics Project
april 2017 - november 2019
National research project plastics contemporary art collectionsHow do we retain a large group of fragile works of art for the future?Each collection of contemporary art and design contains numerous objects made entirely or partly of plastic. In order to be able to identify the composition of the objects, specialist knowledge is required, which is often not present in museums without a laboratory. The Project Plastics focuses on applied research for this large group of objects. Scientists and ten large museums and collection managers in the Netherlands are brought together for this research.
The project develops a do-it-yourself method. Therefore administrators and conservators can identify a large part of their plastics collections themselves, monitor them and can take conservation measures if necessary.
The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE also trains two young professionals who specialise in this field. The project starts on 3 April 2017 and runs until April 2019. It is financially supported by the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund and the Mondriaan Fund.
Partners in the projectThe Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art | SBMK and the Netherlands Institute for Conservation, Art and Science | NICAS coordinates the Project Plastics, a collaboration between the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands | RCE, the Rijksmuseum and the University of Amsterdam | UvA, Conservation & Restoration.
The ten participating museums are: Bonnefantenmuseum, Centraal Museum, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Kröller-Müller Museum, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Schunck*, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and the Van Abbemuseum. In addition, the Rabo Art Collection and the Art Collections of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherland.