Peter Smith, De wereld van zwerfvuil (The world of litter), 2012
Plastic day 2013 - Bio based plastics
Thursday 26 September 2013
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
With presentations from business and academia, researchers and conservators:
– Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam
– Thea van Oosten, conservation researcher for plastics
– Suzan de Groot, researcher RCE
– Peter Smith, artist
– Lydia Beerkens, senior restorer of modern art SRAL
– Karolien Withofs, restorer
Case studies
Paul de Reus, My grandmother as Louise B., 1992
Thomas Hirschhorn, Transformer, 1997
Peter Smith, The world of litter, 2012
The day costs € 95. If you work at an organization that contributes financially to the SBMK, the day is free.