Matti Suuronen, Futuro - prototype, 1968 | collection Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Matti Suuronen, Futuro - prototype, 1968
The prototype of the Futuro, designed in 1968 as a ‘ski-hut’ by the Finnish architect Matti Suuronen, underwent a major conservation treatment. The construction had suffered from transport and handling during the many assemblies on various sites and periods of storage in the past. The gelcoat surface of the moulded cast fiberglass reinforced polyester elements that form the outside shell of the house, had deteriorated due to years of exposure to the outdoor climate both in Finland and in the Netherlands. To enable future exhibition of the Prototype the current owner Museum Boijmans van Beuningen started to research the options for conservation as the Futuro urgently needed cleaning and repair. A clear vision about appropriate ways of exhibition had to be developed to avoid further progress of deterioration and new damage, also considering the amount of separate parts in the interior and the size and weight of the outer shell elements. Essential for the conservation treatment was the decision to present the Futuro from now on only indoors. Although this is in contrast with the original function of the series produced Futuro-houses as a summerhouse or ski-hut, it gives this unique Prototype the best chance of being preserved for the future.